Saturday, November 10, 2012

Days 9 & 10....

I got a little busy this weekend with work so I didn't get a chance to post on Friday. So here are day 9 and 10 of the National Diabetes Awarenss month's photo-a-day challenge!


Day 10 is "Low Treatment" this is kind of gross but when I'm really low I spoon out PB and then put a squirt of chocolate syrup on it! So good and works reasonably fast!



  1. If you by gross, you mean DELICIOUS!!!

  2. K, two things:
    1. I love that you have tiger balm (smart girl!)
    2. that whipped PB is created by the devil. I do something similar sometimes. Spoonfuls of PB with honey drizzled on top. :) again, smart girl!
